How to lose weight fast
How to lose 10 kg in a week? Eat as much as you want - and still lose weight! How to lose weight in 7 days… full internet with this kind of promises. It seems that rapid weight loss can be quick and easy, of course - as long as you believe the promises of advertising.
So why do we see so many overweight people on the streets? Do they not have computers and / or smartphones, or do they consciously want to eat because they think being overweight is both good for their health and more attractive?
Is the really goal of all these beautiful promises just to make money by offering short-term solutions - as the owner of one popular diet put it: “those fat cows must be milked”.
Weight loss is a giant business - the United States alone spends about $ 33 billion a year on various weight loss products.
Do any of these products really provide fast weight loss? Are they safe? And what are the risks of rapid weight loss?
Diets For Fast Weight Loss
There are so many promises of fast weight loss that it's hard to systematize them all, but most fall into the following categories:
Fasting diets
Fasting is mistaken for one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Variations of these diets from the fifties of last century are many and varied. Many of them in addition to weight loss also promise the body detoxification. Unfortunately - it is not possible to quickly reduce body fat. The result is achieved by artificially removing water and / or intestinal contents - so the weight returns quickly after the diet.
Tablets and food supplements
Very wide offer. It is commonly claimed that the absorption of nutrients is blocked, appetite is reduced, accelerated metabolism or promoted fat burning. Ask for independent research that proves the veracity of advertising promises - if you are given one, the research is more likely to be about a substance in the product on offer than about the product itself.
Low calorie diets (VLCD)
Essentially VLCD are the same fasting diets - the only difference is that something is allowed to eat. However, the caloric deficiency in such diets is too great to be followed for a long time, not to mention the potential health problems.
Mono diets
Diets in which the majority of the menu consists of a single product or a group of products (eg buckwheat, eggs, grapefruit, cheese, etc.). These diets work only in the first days, when we really lose weight, but if we follow them for a long time, our beauty and health are also lost, because by eating a uniform diet, the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients. In addition, when you stop this diet, the weight returns incredibly quickly and often with gains.
Body cleansing diets.
It promises to cleanse the body of toxins and other contaminants, normalize hormone levels and, of course, lose all the extra pounds (such as the brown rice and green tea diet, etc.). Professional nutritionists around the world consider this type of diet to be absurd because they have absolutely no scientific basis. The body is cleansed of toxic substances by dedicated organs, such as the kidneys and liver, not colored juices, enemas, and what else is there.
Unusual product diets
Weight loss is promised if a specific product is used. Apple cider vinegar seems to be the most popular miracle product, which is recommended to be used before each meal for all those who want to lose weight, who are ready to believe in any fairy tales and often spend significant amounts of money (because vinegar is also packaged in various capsules, etc.). The coveted result, unfortunately, is missed again, but there is a possibility to end the stomach with excessive use of vinegar. The same goes for various exotic products, powders, etc., especially those whose origin and composition you have no idea.
Creams, devices, Voodoo and other magic tricks
There seems to be no end to the dubious ideas that promise rapid weight loss. Most promise weight loss without restrictive / drastic diets and extra physical activity, such as just 15 minutes a day - and the fat will melt like a pan 😊. Sounds tempting, of course - but how many people do you know who have gained the height of their dreams "quickly and effortlessly"?
Do the promises to lose weight fast work?
Food supplements are regulated by the responsible authorities in different countries, but in most cases they are treated as food rather than medicines - unlike pharmaceutical manufacturers, food supplement manufacturers do not have to prove that their products are safe or effective before they are offered to consumers. This means that the manufacturer's claims about the effects of his product are at best based on the manufacturer's assumptions and not on studies.
Apart from weight loss surgery, no other product, pill, cream, Voodoo or fast diet will help you lose weight fast and without harming your health. There are prescription medications that help you lose weight, but none of them are for quick weight loss and they also have a long list of possible side effects.
You can lose weight either by surgically reducing your body fat, by reducing your body size (so that you can't eat more than you need to), or by taking in fewer calories than your body needs during the day. Given the calorie deficit, it is very important not to overdo it - if you eat too little you will only damage your health, but there will be no long-term effect. To you You can calculate the required amount of calories HERE.
Potential risks of losing weight quickly
Rapid weight loss is almost always associated with a lack of nutrients, and the longer you expose yourself to drastic fast diets, the more significant it affects your health. The potential risks are as follows:
- Gallstones - occur in 12% to 25% people who lose a lot of weight for several months in a row.
- Dehydration - fast weight loss is caused by the removal of water and intestinal contents from the body. Of course, you can avoid this by drinking plenty of fluids - but then the weight will not be lost.
- Nutrient deficiencies, especially protein and fat deficiencies, cause a variety of health problems, including hormonal disorders.
- Electrolyte imbalance, which is rare but can be life-threatening.
Minor side effects of rapid weight loss include:
- Headaches.
- Irritability.
- Dizziness.
- Constipation.
- Menstrual disorders.
- Hair loss.
- Muscle loss.
Is fast weight loss recommended?
Diets for fast weight loss can have an adverse effect on your health, but obesity is definitely not good for your health. For this reason, low-calorie diets for obese people (who have a body mass index (BMI / BMI) greater than 30) are considered a sensible way to lose weight, for example, to prepare for weight loss surgery.
It is very important that a fast weight loss diet lasting several weeks is supervised by a doctor. This would guarantee a nutrient balance and thus reduce the potential risks to your health. However, 25% to 50% people are unable to complete such programs and the weight is returning rapidly. Most experts believe that it is better to lose weight gradually by choosing a diet that can be followed for a long time.
Unfortunately, most people who want to lose weight fast usually do so in consultation with, at best, acquaintances - people who have an opinion but do not have the knowledge to justify it. Often with a short-term goal, such as looking good at an event or on the beach.
Fasting is definitely not a good idea. But if you're otherwise healthy, a short calorie restriction period is unlikely to hurt you. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor and discuss with him or her your diet to avoid health problems caused by a lack of nutrients. Be sure to include protein in your diet (70 to 100 grams per day). Take multivitamins and eat foods rich in potassium (tomatoes, oranges and bananas).
How to choose the right diet for you
Before starting a diet or weight loss program, you should research them to choose the one that best suits your needs and one that will not only help you lose weight, but also ensure the maintenance of your new weight in the long run. The desired weight loss is 0.2 - 0.8kg per week.
Before you start a fast diet, find out:
- What are the limits (permitted / unauthorized products, how many calories are expected to be consumed during the day, what is the proportion of nutrients (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates)). Talk to your doctor about how well these restrictions are justified.
- What sets your weight loss goal - you, or is it pre-defined (for example - will you lose 7 kg in a week)?
- What percentage of people complete the program?
- What is the average weight loss in humans after completing the program and one year after completing the program?
- How many people have problems or side effects? What are the problems?
- Is there a maintenance program to help you lose weight after you finish your diet? Remember that around 80% people regain weight within 6 to 12 months after the end of the diet.
- What are the total costs, including all necessary foods and / or food supplements?
If you have any health problems or are taking regular medication, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a weight loss program.
Also remember that:
- Fast diets very rarely help to achieve lasting and healthy weight loss, and most people regain their lost weight within a few months, often with gains.
- Rogue advertisers will tell you almost anything just to buy their weight loss products. Here are some of the false promises often seen in weight loss ads:
- Lose weight without dieting and / or exercising.
- You can lose 10 and more kg in 30 days.
- By using this product, you will lose weight permanently.
- You only need to take this tablet to lose weight.
- Only lose weight by using this patch or cream.
- This product is suitable for everyone.
Any promise of miraculous weight loss is a lie.
There is no magic way to lose weight. Weight can only be reduced, either surgically or with a calorie deficit. Physical activity is desirable but not mandatory.
There are no products whose use will allow you to eat everything you want and how much you want and still lose weight.
Permanent weight loss requires changes in dietary habits and lifestyle, so do not trust any product that promises fast and lasting results.
Food supplements such as absorption blockers or appetite suppressants will not in themselves cause weight loss. These products should be used in conjunction with a calorie deficient diet and regular exercise.
Products that promise fast weight loss are always a scam. Worse, they can damage your health.
Even if the product may help some people lose weight in some situations, it does not mean that it will help you lose weight, because each person's habits and health are different.
Nothing you can wear or apply to your skin will cause weight loss. Point.
Gilden Tsai, A. Obesity, August 2006.
The most common dietary supplements for weight loss
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