
Diets Menus Slimming Challenge

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How good it would be to drop the excess and never think about what to eat
and can't eat again...

The new slimming challenge starts on 7 October, after


Choose the one that suits you best

The weight loss challenge
If it's easier for you to lose weight in a group of like-minded people * and you're motivated by the success of your group members and weekly reports - Choose the Slimming Challenge!
Find out more
Individually prepared menu
If there are products without which you "can't live" or those that you don't like very much or are allergic to you - Choose an individually prepared menu.
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 The weight loss challenge

 Individual menu

Weight loss

You can choose gradual or rapid weight loss

You can choose gradual or rapid weight loss


You can choose between a classic or vegetarian menu

The menu is prepared based on your choice of products

Product selection

An instruction with a list of interchangeable products is attached

Var izvēlēties kādus produktus iekļaut un kādus nē (piena produkti un olas tiek iekļauti)


Snacks are included

You can choose to include or exclude sweets


Questions are usually answered within 1-2 hours in the WhatsApp group

Answers to questions on WhatsApp and / or email

Project duration

4 weeks

4 weeks

Receiving a menu

You will receive the menu 2-3 days before the start of the challenge

The menu is received within 7-10 days

Support program after the end of the project for weight maintenance or further reduction

Ja nedzīvo Latvijā vai ir kāda produkta nepanesība – maksa par dalību projektā būs  60 Euro. Šajā gadījumā aizpildiet Individuālās ēdienkartes anketu un norādiet, ka vēlieties pievienoties tievētāju WhatsApp grupai

It is possible to join the WhatsApp group of sliders

The price

50 Eur

60 Eur

prepared menu

  • facebookinstagram You can choose between gradual or rapid weight loss or weight gain
  • facebookinstagram Var izvēlēties un atteikt produktus (izņemot piena produktus un olas)
  • facebookinstagram You can choose between a classic or vegetarian menu
  • facebookinstagram You can choose to include or exclude sweets
  • facebookinstagram You can also make small adjustments to the menu after receiving it
  • facebookinstagram You can sign up for the WhatsApp support group
  • facebookinstagram Balanced menu for 4 weeks
  • facebookinstagram Answers to questions on WhatsApp and / or email
  • facebookinstagramhand-right The menu is received within 7-10 days


  • facebookinstagram You can choose gradual or rapid weight loss
  • facebookinstagram Var izslēgt produktus uz kuriem ir alerģija (izņemot piena produktus un olas)
  • facebookinstagram You can choose between a classic or vegetarian menu
  • facebookinstagram Snacks are included
  • facebookinstagram You can also make small adjustments to the menu after receiving it
  • facebookinstagram WhatsApp Support Group
  • facebookinstagram Balanced menu for 4 weeks
  • facebookinstagram Answers to questions on WhatsApp
  • facebookinstagramhand-right You will receive the menu 2-3 days before the start of the challenge
  • If you do not live in Latvia or have an intolerance to a product - the fee for participating in the project will be 60 Euro. In this case, fill out the Individual Menu form and indicate that you want to join the slimming WhatsApp group
More profitable

A diet that works!

No risk!

Request a diet sample
for 3 days for free

A sample menu will open

on this page

maybe you will have to wait a moment.

Frequently asked questions

Click on the "Apply" button - the application form will open, fill it out and click on the "Buy" button - a window for payment with a bank payment card will open. Enter your card details and press the "Pay" button. That's all - within a few minutes you will receive a payment confirmation by e-mail and the preparation of your menu will begin. The information you provide will be used exclusively for the preparation of your menu and communication with you.

Yes of course. Many of my clients prepare the same food for the whole family as they are on the menu. The menu is varied and the dishes are delicious - so they often tend to disappear prematurely (especially dumplings). Just keep in mind that the menu is based on your energy consumption (height, weight, age and sports activities) - other members of your family are likely to be different - so the portion sizes should be different.

Yes, I prepare Individual menus for vegetarians, but if you do not eat eggs and dairy products - I will not be able to help you.

I don't prepare vegan menus.

Yes, I prepare individual menus for people with gluten intolerance, but I will not be able to help people with lactose intolerance.

If you have a specific illness, please contact me by e-mail before ordering the menu: [email protected] and any recommendations regarding the use of food given to you by your doctor.

Click on the button "Learn more" - the description of the service will open. Then click on "Order" - the application form will open, fill it out and click on the "Buy" button - a window for payment with a bank payment card will open. Enter your card details and press the "Pay" button. That's all - within a few minutes you will receive a payment confirmation by e-mail and the preparation of your menu will begin. The information you provide will be used exclusively for the preparation of your menu and communication with you.

Yes of course. Many of my clients prepare the same food for the whole family as they are on the menu. The menu is varied and the dishes are delicious - so they often tend to disappear prematurely (especially dumplings). Just keep in mind that the menu is based on your energy consumption (height, weight, age and sports activities) - other members of your family are likely to be different - so the portion sizes should be different.

Yes, I prepare Individual menus for vegetarians, but if you do not eat eggs and dairy products - I will not be able to help you.

I don't prepare vegan menus.

Yes, I prepare individual menus for people with gluten intolerance, but I will not be able to help people with lactose intolerance.

If you have a specific illness, please contact me by e-mail before ordering the menu: [email protected] and any recommendations regarding the use of food given to you by your doctor.

They have dropped the excess

You can too!

The new slimming challenge starts on 7 October, after

Tievēšabas izaicinājums

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Test your knowledge of healthy eating

26 questions
About 3 - 5 min.