About "fast" diets
Today, more information about the effects of different "fast" diets on our health is available than ever before - but many women are still looking for the easiest and fastest way to lose weight. Fast and effortless - it only happens in fairy tales. The reality, unfortunately, is quite different - diets do not always give the expected results. On the contrary, the result is short-lived or non-existent…
Which diet is best?
How to lose 10kg in a week? Which diet is best? Why can't I lose weight? I hear such and similar questions very often…
Diet - a campaign or a way of life?
How are short-term slimming campaigns different from lifestyle changes?
Why drink water?
Nutritionists say that every person should drink an average of 1.5l to 3l of water a day. Why this is really important, especially if you want to lose weight.
5 Popular but surprisingly unhealthy diets
The promises of the most popular diets - how true and justified are they? What are the health risks associated with following these diets?
Sugar - should you give it up when you lose weight?
I encounter many stereotypes on a daily basis, one of them - sugar is dangerous to health, it must be given up! So what exactly is the role of sugar in the diet and its role in the weight loss process?
Food Combining
Kas ir dalītais uzturs? Vai dalītais uzturs tiešām var palīdzēt uzlabot mūsu veselību un samazināt svaru? Vai arī – tā ir tikai kārtējā modes diēta?