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Myths about slimming

Do Apple Cider Vinegar and Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight? Is dark chocolate healthier than milk chocolate and are sports drinks necessary for anyone who sports?

MYTH - "Green tea is an effective fat burner"

Many studies have been done in recent years to see if green tea really does reduce fat loss. In the study, with 1,243 participants, found that although there were some indications of fat loss, their clinical relevance was negligible.

As a low-calorie, low-caffeine beverage, green tea is a great alternative to black tea and coffee, but you should not expect to reduce fat.


MYTH - "Apple cider vinegar helps to lose weight"

There is no scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar stimulates weight loss in any way. Proponents of vinegar claim that consuming one or more teaspoons of vinegar a day reduces appetite and helps burn fat. None of these claims have been clinically tested.

Apple cider vinegar has a high concentration of acid and can burn the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat quite strongly. In addition, apple cider vinegar, together with other medicines, can cause dangerous and unpleasant effects.


THE TRUTH: "Frozen fruits and vegetables are as healthy as fresh"

In some cases, frozen food can be even healthier than fresh food! When ripe fresh fruits and vegetables, the amount of sugar in them increases, but the amount of vitamins and other valuable substances decreases.

Quick-frozen vegetables and fruits retain all the vitamins, and their maturation process stops. In winter, frozen fruits and vegetables are indispensable for dietary diversification.


MYTH: "Coffee is not healthy"

It is not clear how this myth came about, it is possible that the caffeine it contains has been associated with "drugs". Coffee is a weak diuretic and has a tonic effect. You can't say that coffee is healthy or unhealthy - it all depends on how strong your coffee is and how often you drink it. It is even considered moderate the use of caffeine can effectively improve the endurance of athletes.

Drinking too often can cause excessive agitation, insomnia, problems with the cardiovascular system and other organs. Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee a day should not cause any health problems.


MYTH: "Egg whites are healthier than whole eggs"

It is believed that eating egg yolk can raise blood cholesterol levels and thus cause atherosclerosis. According to studies, cholesterol from food does not significantly affect blood cholesterol levels. Read more about cholesterol HERE.

I also often use egg whites in my recipes, not least because the egg yolks are bad, but to reduce the total amount of Kcal in the food (1 egg contains about 86 Kcal, of which about 55 Kcal is in the egg yolk). Egg yolks MUST NOT be excluded from our diet because they contain a lot of the trace elements and vitamins we need - simply if we know how to compensate for them with other products - we can use them less.


MYTH: "Almond milk is healthier than regular milk"

A glass of skimmed milk contains about 8g of protein, almond milk is almost non-existent. In addition, most vitamins are added to almond milk during the production process, which can make it difficult to absorb nutrients.

Soy milk is about the same protein as skim milk and contains some naturally occurring minerals from soybeans.

Why we need protein - read HERE.


MYTH: “Freshly squeezed juices are healthy. They should be drunk every day. ”

If you're trying to limit the amount of sugar in your diet and prefer juices to carbonated drinks, the bad news is that there may be even more sugar in your juices.

Freshly squeezed juices lack fiber, which prevents the absorption of carbohydrates, preventing too high a rise in blood glucose. And you drink juice about 3 times faster than you eat fruit with the same amount of juice - and probably more. That is, when you drink juice, you are more likely to eat more sugar and less fiber - so drink in moderation.


MYTH: "Bitter chocolate is healthy"

Unfortunately, no. The world's largest chocolate producers for the past 30 years Nestlé, Mars, Barry Callebaut and Hershey's invest millions of dollars in R&D grantsto support the idea of the benefits of chocolate. Thanks to their efforts, retail sales of chocolate have grown significantly, while sales of other confectionery have declined.

In the long run, dark or milk chocolate will not bring any improvement to your health, but extra centimeters may appear at the waist.


MYTH: "Energy drinks are safe"

Energy or sports drinks are another thing to be careful about. It seems to be an ideal choice for rehydration and energy recovery - there is the word "sport" in the name. But don't be fooled - many sports drinks contain a lot more sugar than you will need for an hour of gentle training.

If you are not a professional athlete - it is much better to simply drink water, if you want you can add a slice of lemon or mint, but nothing containing sugar. Make sure you eat at the right time before and after your workout to maintain your sodium and potassium levels.

Read more about pre- and post-workout nutrition HERE.


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