18 healthy products for weight loss
Physical activity and nutrition have a significant impact on our health, appearance and well-being. Being overweight is a global problem - today almost one in five children / adolescents (aged 2 to 19) is overweight or obese.
If you want to lose weight, these 18 foods can help you lose weight healthy, as it creates a longer feeling of satiety and provides us with the necessary nutrients.
1 Eggs
Eggs are great for protein and a source of many nutrients.
Although some believe that eggs increase cholesterol levels and also the risk of heart disease - this is not true because our body is the one that regulates cholesterol levels and cholesterol is taken from the diet only when internal reserves are insufficient.
It has been shown that moderate consumption of eggs (7-12 eggs per week) does not pose additional risks to our health.
Most nutrients in eggs is found in their yolks, but egg white is more of a source of protein. Because eggs are high in protein and fat, they helps us feel fed - We eat less and therefore eat less calories - and lose weight.
A study of 50 overweight healthy people found that eggs at breakfast increases the feeling of satiety in the next 4 hours and reduces cravings for sweets.
Another study showed that the inclusion of eggs in the breakfast resulted in a greater saturation feeling compared to those who ate flakes (low in fiber) with milk.
2 Leaf salad
Spinach and all kinds of salads. Lettuce is a great addition to your diet because they are high in fiber and trace elements.
In addition, lettuce contains tilacoids, plant compounds in studies are associated with increased satiety and better appetite control. For example, overweight women who received as little as 5 g of tilacoids (equivalent to about 100 g of untreated spinach) reported better satiety and appetite management, resulting in weight loss.
However, more research is needed to understand the effects of tilyloids on our weight.
Lettuce is also high in vitamin K - so if you are taking medicines such as blood thinners (warfarin), talk to your doctor about the amount of lettuce you need in your diet.
3 Salmon
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines, herring are very filling.
Salmon is one of the healthiest and most affordable fish in this category. It is rich in high quality protein, healthy fats and many important nutrients. Salmon is saturated with omega-3 fatty acids, which improve brain function, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and can help reduce inflammation.
In addition, fish and seafood in general also provide us with significant amounts of iodine, which is important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
4 Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
Like other vegetables, they are high in fiber and they tend to be incredibly filling.
In addition, these vegetables also contain protein, for example 100 g of Brussels sprouts contain 3.38 g of protein. This is of course less when compared to meat, eggs or legumes, however a combination of protein, fiber and low energy density (low in calories) makes crucifixes an ideal food if you want to lose weight.
In addition, crucifixes also contain compounds that may reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Chicken fillet (breast) and lean meat
Meat as a food group is still perceived as controversial. Studies on meat consumption in relation to health changes have not provided sufficient evidenceto say whether it poses any health risks or not.
Skinless chicken breast and lean red meat, such as fillet or steak, are high in protein and iron and have less saturated fat than fatter meats. Saturated fats are thought to contribute to inflammatory processes, which in turn is associated with a number of risks of chronic diseases. However, research on this topic has so far been quite controversial.
The way meat is prepared is very important. Try to cook it without using extra fat, because, for example, when you fry meat in fat, butter or oil, the calories in the fat are "absorbed" into the meat and you eat a lot more calories when you eat it.
Cooking red meat by smoking or grilling is also not recommended, as fats dripped on hot surfaces or on charcoal form a toxic by-product - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonswhich settles on the meat with smoke and can cause cancer.
Rare use of smoked meats or barbecue is unlikely to give any effect, but be moderate.
6 Potatoes and other roots
It is a fairly common belief that potatoes and slimming are incompatible. Mainly because they are excluded from virtually all low carb diets.
However, potatoes and other roots have a number of properties that make them a great food for weight loss:
- The roots contain an incredibly diverse range of nutrients - just about everything you need;
- In the roots/Potatoes are very high in potassium, which play an important role in regulating blood pressure and which is inadequately ingested by most people;
- Boiled potatoes have the highest saturation index, which means that when you eat boiled potatoes or sweet potatoes, you will feel eaten longer and will also provide your body with the most essential nutrients.
As with meat, the way it is prepared is important for roots, for example, potatoes are best cooked with the whole skin. French fries are the worst choice because after cooking in oil they are potatoes just for the name.
Read HERE about how different ways of cooking affect products' nutritional value.
7 Tuna
Tuna is a lean fish with a high protein content. It also contains healthy fats, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - A form of omega-3 fatty acids that promotes heart, nervous system and eye health.
Tuna is best bought fresh or quick-frozen, unfortunately it is one of the most expensive fish. If you choose canned food, then the best choice is tuna in its own juice. Tuna in oil contains more calories (fat) and sodium.
8 Beans and legumes
All kinds of beans, peas, lentils and other legumes usually contain a lot of protein and fiber - nutrients that promote satiety.
Due to the high fiber content, beans can cause bloating in some people. Proper preparation of these products can help reduce these side effects.
Read more about bloating and how to reduce it HERE.
9 Soups
Soup is a good way to diversify your menu and increase the amount of vegetables and whole grains in your diet (whole grain pasta, rice, couscous, bulgur, semolina, whole grain oatmeal, etc.).
The feeling of satiety is gradual, and if we eat fast, we usually eat too much. We eat soups more slowly than other foods, which reduces the risk of overeating.
Soups also contain more water, respectively - by eating a supposedly large portion by volume, you intake fewer calories. Also, a cup of vegetable broth before a meal can help you reach satiety faster.
You can see delicious low-calorie soup recipes HERE.
10 Cottage cheese
Dairy products is high in protein and calcium.
One of the most protein-rich dairy products is cottage cheese, which is mainly made up of protein, which is the most important substance in our lives, as it is the building material of the brain, bones, muscles, etc. If you do not get enough protein, you can experience a variety of health problems, from tiredness and drowsiness to not being able to fight infectious diseases. This is especially important now - during COVID.
11 Avocado
Avocados are a unique fruit because, unlike others, they are a source of healthy fats rather than carbohydrates. They also contain a lot of fiber, which together with fat makes them very satiety.
Avocados contain a lot monounsaturated oleic acids (the same type of fat as in olive oil).
Avocados are an ideal addition to vegetable salads, as studies show that their fat can 4.6-12.6 times increase the amount of carotenoids (antioxidants) that your body absorbs from vegetables.
The fat in avocados also helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K).
But remember that avocado also contains a lot of calories (180 - 190Kcal / 100 g), so use it wisely.
12 Nuts
Although nuts are high calorie foods, several studies show that they have a beneficial effect on our health.
Nuts are a source of vegetable fats and proteins. They are also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, carotenoids and phytosterols.
Studies show that nuts can improve metabolism and even promote weight loss and that people who eat nuts tend to get more nutrients and are healthier than those who do not.
Nuts are a great snack, but they have one big drawback - starting with them is hard to stop. Remember that nuts are a high fat (high calorie) dish so try to limit yourself to a handful of nuts a day and be sure to choose unsalted nuts.
13 Whole grain products
The main advantage of whole grains is that only the non-digestible outer skin is removed during processing and more fiber, vitamins and minerals are retained. In turn, white flour is ground only from grain kernels - so they contain a lot of starch (sugar), but few other nutrients.
Studies show that a diet rich in whole grains can both improve metabolism, and to Help Healthy Weight Loss.
Whole grain oatmeal, brown rice and quinoa are especially recommended.
Read more about whole grain products HERE.
Also keep in mind that if the word "whole grain" is on the label, it doesn't mean that they are actually 100% whole grain products, there may be only a few percent "whole grain" in it.
14 Chili peppers
Chili peppers contain capsaicin - a substance that makes them sharp / spicy.
Some studies suggest that capsaicin may speed up fat metabolism and increase the feeling of satiety.
Chili peppers also increase the sensitivity of taste receptors, so less salt can be added to cooking and thus reduce water retention in the body.
15 Fruits
Most nutrition experts agree that fruits is healthy.
Although the fruits contain natural sugar, it has a low energy density (fewer calories) and is saturated with trace elements. In addition, the fruits are high in fiber, which helps prevent blood sugar from being released too quickly. For this reason, it is recommended to eat the fruit whole, because most of the vitamins and minerals remain in the juice, but there is almost no fiber left.
Many studies have shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables are generally healthier than people who do not eat them.
16 Grapefruits
Grapefruit is high in fiber and rich in nutrients.
There are several studies on the beneficial effects of grapefruit on weight loss. For example, one study in 2006 found that eating half of fresh grapefruit before a meal reduced insulin resistance and the study participants lost 1.6 kg over 12 weeks.
However, the number of participants in all studies is small, so more research is needed to understand how grapefruit affects weight loss, to what extent and if at all.
If you are taking medicines such as statins or medicines to control your blood pressure, talk to your doctor before experimenting with eating grapefruit, as the substances in grapefruit may increase or decrease the effects of these medicines.
17 Chia seeds
Chia seeds, although small, are incredibly rich in nutrients. In fact, they are one of the most nutritious products.
Antioxidants, minerals, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds promotes heart health, strengthens bones, improve blood sugar …
Chia seeds are low in carbohydrates, but they are one of the best sources of fiber in the world - they contain 35% of fiber!
Most of the fiber in the seeds is water-soluble. Once in the digestive tract, they absorb water, expand and thus slow down digestion, which in turn helps us feel fed for longer.
Research on this topic is diverse. Some suggest that fiber can play an important role in reducing overweight and preventing obesity.
18 Whole milk Greek yoghurt
Greek yogurt is especially suitable for weight loss because it is rich in nutrients, for example, it contains twice as much protein as ordinary yoghurt and contains probiotics - bacteria that can improve intestinal function.
Be sure to choose yogurt with live, active cultures, as other types of yogurt may not contain probiotics. If you do not see "live cultures" or "active cultures" in the list of ingredients, look for the names of probiotic strains such as S. thermophilus or Bifidus.
A healthy gut can help reduce inflammatory processes and leptin resistance, which is one of the major hormonal factors in obesity.
Although the evidence is still contradictory, several studies show that exactly whole milk products are more effective in reducing the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes (rather than skimmed milk products as previously thought).
Key takeaways
As you can see - there is a choice. Try to cook more yourself using unprocessed products. This will give you more nutrients and less synthetic food supplements. That is, you will pollute your body less and be healthier.
Fish, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes are our best friends. Some minimally processed foods such as pure yoghurt, Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal are also great choices.
Eat delicious and be healthy!
Dietary Cholesterol, Serum Lipids, and Heart Disease: Are Eggs Working for or Against You?
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Impact of Whole, Fresh Fruit Consumption on Energy Intake and Adiposity
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