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Optimal workout duration

What is the optimal workout duration? How many times a week should I train and what should be the recovery time between workouts?

One of the most common questions asked of private trainers is: “How long should I train?”

The answer to this question depends on your goals,  current state of health and fitness level.


While following the minimum guidelines for physical activity can help maintain health and help deal with the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, losing weight and getting fitter requires more effort.

Recently, the trend in fitness has been towards shorter workouts. However, this is not always effective.

In other words, the length of a workout should not be based on current fitness trends.

Just as you cannot get rid of excess weight accumulated over the years in a few weeks, you cannot get a beautiful and strong body by meeting only the minimum requirements for health maintenance.


Are there any general recommendations on the optimal training duration?

Unfortunately, there are none.


How long you should train and how many workouts per week you need depends mainly on your goals and the sport you choose.

For example, the training time of a powerlifter differs greatly from that of an ultramarathoner.

Similarly, people looking to get fit will have different training plans and thus training durations than those looking to prove themselves in triathlons, sprints, bodybuilding, etc.


How long should strength training be?

Strength training usually aims to increase muscle strength, endurance and/or size. The idea is to gradually overload the body to make it “adapt” to the new conditions. The rate of progress depends on:

  • Age.
  • Intensity of training.
  • Number of sets.
  • Number of repetitions.
  • Rest time between sets.
  • Training frequency.
  • Training experience.

And – your goal! If, for example, you want to improve strength and muscle size significantly, you may be ready to spend more time training.


Research results on the optimal duration of strength training are contradictory, for example:



It is also important to consider the length of rest periods between sets.


To make things even more confusing, current recommendations for rest between sets also vary, for example:



Between sets, I would recommend the following rest times:

Strength training goal

Rest time between sets

To increase muscle strength

2-5 minutes

To increase muscle mass

30-90 seconds

To increase muscular endurance

20-120 seconds


Thus, a strength training session of 7-9 exercises can take 20-60 minutes.

There are also some studies on the optimal training duration for different groups of people, for example:

  • A 2021 review found that children and adolescents may benefit most from strength training that lasts less than 60 minutes.
  • Another study found that for people with intellectual disabilities, the preferred duration of a single session is 45-60 minutes.

To reduce the training duration and maintain effectiveness, two or more exercises can be combined (performed in a row without rest) and the rest periods between exercises and sets can be shortened. This can significantly reduce overall fatigue and shorten the duration of the workout – possibly up to 30 minutes.

Another time-efficient training strategy is to train the upper body one day and the lower body another or to train the shoulders and triceps one day, the back, chest and biceps the next, the legs the third, etc.


How long should a cardio workout be?

The length of a cardio workout can also vary depending on your goals.

For example, a triathlete or ultramarathoner will likely have longer workouts than the average person trying to lose a few kilos or improve their overall health.


If you want to improve your overall cardiovascular health to manage or prevent high blood pressure or heart failure you should do at least:

  • 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, for example – 30 minutes of walking at a pace > 5.6 km/h (> 3.5 mph) 5 times a week.


  • 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, for example – 25 minutes of running at a pace >9.7 km/h (>6 mph) three times a week.

You can adjust the length and number of workouts to your schedule and needs, like running a slow or moderate pace for 60 minutes 3 days a week, etc.


If you want to lose weight, the amount and intensity of cardio exercise should be higher – you can combine three 30-minute walks with two or three 30-minute runs etc.


To further promote weight loss – supplement cardio training with a balanced diet and a slight calorie deficit.


How long should a calisthenics workout be?

Calisthenics usually involves exercises with your body weight, such as push-ups, pull-ups, jumping jacks and squats.

These exercises are usually not only focused on strength building but also on improving overall health.

Calisthenics exercises can also be used in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) – continuously moving from one exercise to another with little or no rest in between.

This challenges your body from both a strength and cardiovascular point of view.


HIIT training has been shown to improve body composition, metabolism and VO2 max (a measure of how efficiently your body functions).

In fact, it can be even more effective than traditional strength or cardio training – a 2021 review found that just 40 minutes of HIIT twice a week can have health benefits.

In other words – HIIT calisthenics can be a great solution for those who want to work out but don’t have enough time for a long workout.


How long should I rest between workouts?

Again, there is no definitive answer to this question, as recovery time depends on the type of workout and how hard it is.

Repeating the same workout for several days in a row means that your body will probably not be able to recover fully and it can lead to excessive fatigue and pain, which in turn can lead to lower workout performance and injury.


You should have 1 to 2 rest days between workouts.


How often should I train?

Studies have shown that strength training as little as once a week can have positive results.


If you want to get in good shape, you should increase the number of workouts to 2-3 times a week.


When strength training (either lifting weights or using your body weight), progress depends more on the total volume of training than on the number of sessions.


In cardiovascular or HIIT training, progress depends more on the intensity of the workout – for example, HIIT training 3 days a week at a high intensity can be as effective as moderate activity 5-6 days a week.


The most important thing to remember while starting to exercise is not to overdo it.

Too much exercise before the body has adapted to the new conditions can lead to excessive fatigue, overtraining and injury.


If you notice excessive pain, fatigue or a decrease in performance – it’s better to reduce the frequency or intensity of your workouts, or both.


Key takeaways

The optimal workout duration for each individual may vary considerably depending on their body composition, goals and the type of training they choose.

When choosing strength training, 45-60 minutes per session may be sufficient to improve fitness.


For cardiovascular and calisthenic training, 30-60 minutes is optimal.


The key is to be consistent and not to “rush into the bushes” at the first sign of difficulty or if progress is slower than you first expected.

As long as you are progressing towards your goal, keep up your current workout routine, and when the progress slows down, increase the intensity, duration or change your workout plan.

How much time you devote to exercising is up to you.


Eat tasty, eat balanced, move and – be healthy!

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