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How to lose weight fast
and forever

You can lose weight quickly, which, after the so-called "fast" diets, also returns quickly and usually with a surge.

To lose weight fast with this understanding - it is impossible to become slimmer by reducing body fat %.

Countless times it has been written that "Fast/Fad" diets lose weight does not help, but many women again and again find an interesting diet, follow it and claim that the result is fantastic. Yes, of course, the kilograms are falling, maybe the girth is also decreasing a bit, only - is the short-term result really worth fasting and the stress it causes? It's not just a matter of interacting with our closest to whom we usually first "break down" - it's a matter of our health.

Regular maintenance "Fast" diets, metabolism is irreversibly altered and not on the positive side. Let's look at it from the perspective of our physiology. For our body to function properly, we need all the nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, yes, fats, as well as vitamins and minerals. In this case, I am emphasizing the word - all - nutrients. Our body is very smart and has evolved to adapt to a wide variety of extreme situations, but it must be understood that the body's normal functioning is disrupted by depriving it of the nutrients it needs.

Women on the "fast" diet are usually attracted by the promise of losing 3, 5 and even 7 kg of weight per week and most importantly - these promises are fulfilled! It is both defaulted to it is not fat that is lost. The maximum possible fat loss is about 250 grams per day, which is 1.75 kg per week. So how can you lose 5 or even 7 kg in a week? So what exactly is being lost? Mostly water and muscle tissue and very little fat! This also explains why the weight regains so fast after the diet - the body simply restores the amount of artificially excreted water and the extra weight is created by eating more than is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, which is also understandable after fasting.

In extreme conditions (strict diet is an extreme condition for the body), when food does not absorb all the necessary nutrients, the body from the beginning takes care of the most important organs - the brain and heart. The brain consumes 100-150g of glucose per day. If glucose (carbohydrates) is not taken in enough - the body begins to use up its internal reserves. We have glucose reserves in the liver and muscle tissue, but these reserves are low. In order to "feed" the brain, the body first breaks down liver glycogen into glucose, and if that is not enough, the glucose in the muscle begins to break down. Our body has an average of 200-300g of glucose, so with this amount the brain can "feed" for 2 days, but glucose is also needed by other vital organs, as the reserves are enough for no more than 1 day. What happens next? The body begins to produce glucose from proteins - it essentially breaks down its own tissues to ensure the functioning of vital organs, but it is the most difficult to transform adipose tissue - so they are the last to break down.

57g of glucose is produced from 100g of our body protein, so need to break down 200g of protein for the brain to receive its dose and remember there are other organs already. Our body has a total of about 4000-8000g of protein, if half is lost - a life-threatening condition occurs! So, following an extreme diet, the body initially depletes the liver's glucose stores and then begins to eat its own protein. Is fat burning? No, they are broken down last - only when the body realizes that it must not burn its protein excessively, because it threatens death, so the metabolism changes. Our body has also learned to get energy from ketones. Ketones are formed by the breakdown of fatty acids. Then we have finally got to the fat metabolism! Yes, the body begins to burn fat, but the amount of ketones in the blood increases 30-100 times, which is especially unfavorable and even dangerous, so the most important and essential rule, if you still think that extreme diets are what you need - is to drink plenty of water, at least 3 liters a day to flush out any bad substances. The amount of urine should also be monitored, it should be at least 2l per day.

It is important to understand that for metabolism not eating is a shock. If all the necessary nutrients are not taken in for several days, the body first depletes the liver's reserves, then begins to burn muscle tissue, then gets fat, polluting the body with various waste products and completely upsetting the internal balance. Doesn't sound particularly nice, does it? But that's exactly what happens and it also has consequences for the metabolism. For the metabolism, such eating is a huge shock, and in order not to experience something like this again, the body switches to the "austerity mode" (to have more reserves later) and when it resumes normal food, everything goes to fat. That is why after fast diets the weight returns to double.

All 'fast' diets have too many categorical and, at the same time, unnecessary restrictions, which make it impossible for their users to absorb all the necessary nutrients. For example, if the body does not get the amount of fat it needs per day, it will stop absorbing fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamin D), which in turn will limit the absorption of calcium and other minerals.

Rapid reduction of carbohydrates and fats (as well as many other important and necessary antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins) various disorders of renal function, metabolic disorders may occur (mostly carbohydrate absorption problems), hormonal disorders (because the intake of fat, which is needed for the production of hormones, is severely restricted), the same dyspeptic disorder associated with a change in eating regime (mostly constipation), which is often discussed in women's forums that affect women's menstrual cycles.

And definitely, if you conscientiously follow the "fast" diet you will want to eat all the time. You will become nervous, everything around you will start to rage, excite and annoy. Changing your mood will also affect relationships with your loved ones.

Finally, yes, subject to "Fast/Fad" diets You will quickly lose kilograms, but you will lose muscle instead of fat - your intestines will be emptied and water will be artificially removed from your body. Sooner or later you will resume eating normally - it is impossible to stick to such a high calorie and nutrient deficiency for a long time. If you have a very strong will - you will resume normal eating in the hospital. The longer you torment yourself, the more stressed your body will be and with the resumption of normal nutrient intake, everything that is not vital for the body will be turned into fat. As a result, after a short time you will weigh as much as before the start of the diet or more, but the fat in your body will already be much more than before starting a diet (because muscle mass was broken down to provide vital organs with energy and when the body resumed eating normally, the body built up fat, not muscle reserves).

You start looking for a new diet because you think the result was already good, only the "leg slipped a little", which will definitely not happen again. You are going through the same cycle again - muscle masswhich helps us significantly burn calories on sleep, decreases again and the percentage of fat in your body increases. It's over and over again… Then you come to the conclusion that you have such genetics and nothing can be done there…

Genetics, metabolism, wide bones, unique living or working conditions, unicorns and ninja turtles are a good excuse for children under 12 years old…

Remember - it is you and no one else - the reason for the way you look and what happens in your life. My experience proves that armed with patience and a little willpower, with a balanced diet and physical activity, ANY body can be improved and done at any age. 

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